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#Idatabase wiki series

RedisTimeSeries - a time series data type with capabilities like automatic downsampling, aggregations, labeling and search, compression, and enhanced multi-range queries as well as built-in connectors to popular monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to enable the extraction of data into useful formats for visualization and monitoring.Supports the industry-standard Cypher as a query language and incorporates the state-of-the-art SuiteSparse GraphBLAS engine for matrix operations on sparse matrices RedisGraph - a graph data structure that can be used to store and query data in a graph-oriented way.Additionally provides a common layer among different formats and platforms, including PyTorch, TensorFlow/TensorRT, and ONNX Runtime RedisAI - a machine learning data type that runs inside Redis and allows you to train and predict on your data.RedisGears - a programmable engine for Redis that runs inside Redis, closer to where your data lives, and which allows cluster-wide operations across shards, nodes, data structures, and data models at a sub-millisecond speed.RedisJSON - a native JSON data type tailored for fast, efficient, in-memory storage and retrieval of JSON documents at high speed and volume.RediSearch - a real-time search and secondary indexing engine that runs on your Redis dataset and allows you to query data that has just been indexed.These modules can be used to create custom data structures that are not available in the built-in data structures. Redis also supports custom data structures called modules that run natively alongside core Redis. Streams - a data type that models an append only log and which can be used as a durable message queue.Geospatial - a Sorted Set of longitude/latitude/name key-value pairs useful for maps, geosearching, and "nearby" features.HyperLogLogs - a probabilistic data structure used in order to count unique things (cardinality of a set).Bitmaps - not necessarily a data type, but a set of bit-oriented operations on the String type.In a Sorted Set, each member is associated with a score that can be used to sort the collection. Sorted Sets - similar to a Redis Set, the Sorted Set is a collection of unique String members.Sets - an unordered collection of Strings with the ability to intersect, union, and diff against other Sets.Useful for queues and "latest updates" for social media posts Lists - a collection of Strings ordered by when they were added as a linked list.Hashes - field-value pairs that most commonly represent objects.Strings - any text or binary data (512MB max.).Redis is a multi-model database, and provides several built-in data structures such as: Redis is one of the only databases that supports millions of operations per second. This leads to an order of magnitude more operations and faster response times.

idatabase wiki

Running in-memory means requests for data do not require a trip to disk. Redis runs in-memory, which enables low-latency and high throughput. The primary benefit of Redis is its sub-millisecond queries. Redis Enterprise Cloud on AWS is a fully-managed Redis Enterprise as a service and supports Redis as a cache and a database. It is a Redis-compatible cache service that is available on AWS. You might be familiar with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis. Redis Enterprise is the only true datastore built for hybrid and multicloud applications. This, coupled with the performance benefits, makes Redis the most popular choice for caching, session management, gaming, fraud detection, leaderboards, real-time analytics, geospatial indexing, ride-sharing, social media, and streaming applications. There is a Redis client available for use in every popular modern programming language. Developers love Redis because of its ease of use, performance, and scalability. Redis is the most-loved database by developers for five years running. Redis delivers sub-millisecond response times, enabling fast and powerful real-time applications in industries such as gaming, fintech, ad-tech, social media, healthcare, and IoT. Redis is an open source, in-memory, key-value data store most commonly used as a primary database, cache, message broker, and queue. Will Johnston, Developer Growth Manager at Redis

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