#Gitx mac install
First we’re going to install the fantastic Homebrew, which is an easy way to install UNIX tools on your Mac.And it shows off some really cool tools-and no, sadly I’m not making money on any of them.) (Ok, you don’t need $10 to try Lisp, but this approach is bloody convenient. Next we’ll install Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL), a popular Lisp compiler / interpreter.To install Homebrew, open Terminal.app and paste in the following command : /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL )" Now simply hit return and follow the prompts on screen ( additional details on installing Homebrew).
#Gitx mac mac
Install CodeRunner from the Mac App Store.Now that we have Homebrew it’s as easy as running brew install sbcl at the terminal.
#Gitx mac code
This step will cost you your hard-earned $10 but it’ll leave you with a fantastic little tool for quickly experimenting with snippets of code in a variety of different programming languages.

The Git Homepage lists quite a few introductions, tutorials, guides as well as online books that can help you out. I use Git primarily from the command line.

Luckily, enabling the Git completion for both Bash and Zsh is quite easy if you used Homebrew to install Git. Simply add the following to your ~/.bashrc: Gitx homebrew install#

Now, you’ll notice that for each and every git config I used the -global option. The reason for that is that Git not only looks at your global gitconfig (located at ~/.gitconfig), but also a repository-specific config (. So you can customize all these settings for each of your repository to your liking, just run the git config command in your repository without the -global flag. You don’t want to commit all your files into your repository. Things like temporary files, logs, configurations that are specific to a computer, files that are for testing only, private keys for code signing or files that can be easily regenerated all don’t belong in your repository. However, they will still show up whenever you type git status, even though they are purely noise at that point.įor this reason you can specify what files you want Git to ignore in a special file called.